Summer is coming to an end and that means one thing: back-to-school season is upon us!

For parents, this can be a stressful time. You want to make sure your child has everything they need for a successful school year, but you also don’t want them picking up anything they don’t need, like an illness.

127 Pediatrics will provide some advice on how to have a successful back-to-school season while keeping your kids healthy.


One of the best ways to ensure a healthy and successful back-to-school season is by getting your child vaccinated.

There are many different types of vaccines available, and your child’s pediatrician will be able to recommend which ones are right for them based on their age, health history, and any other risk factors.

Getting your child vaccinated not only protects them from potentially deadly diseases, but it also helps to keep the entire school community healthy.

If you have any questions or concerns about vaccines, be sure to talk to 127 Pediatrics.

In addition to getting vaccinated, there are a few other things you can do to help your child stay healthy during the school year.


First, make sure they’re getting enough sleep. Most children need between nine and twelve hours of sleep each night, so be sure to establish a bedtime routine that will allow them to get the rest they need.

A good night’s sleep will help your child focus during the day and make them less likely to get sick.


Another important way to prevent illness is by teaching your child proper hand-washing techniques.

Show them how to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water, and remind them to do so after using the restroom, before eating, and after coming into contact with any potentially harmful substances. This may not prove as simple as it sounds. The Mayo Clinic offers some help in this area.

If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizer is a good alternative.

Covering Coughs and Sneezes

Another simple way to help prevent the spread of illness is by teaching your child to cover their coughs and sneezes.

Encourage them to use a tissue or their elbow, rather than their hands, to cover their mouth when they sneeze or cough.

If a tissue is not available, coughing or sneezing into their sleeve is the next best thing. After sneezing and coughing, encourage your child to wash their hands.


Second, help them to eat a healthy diet. A balanced diet is important for everyone, but it’s especially important for growing children.

Make sure they’re getting plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and limit their intake of sugary snacks and drinks.

A healthy diet will help your child to focus and have energy during the day.


Finally, encourage them to stay active. Physical activity is not only good for their physical health, but it can also help to improve their focus and concentration.

Encourage your child to be active for at least 60 minutes each day, and try to find ways to make it fun.

You can go for a family walk or bike ride, play tag in the backyard, or even dance around the living room together.

The important thing is that your child is moving and having fun.

Doing these things won’t guarantee your child will not get sick, however, they can contribute to their overall health and contribute to a successful back-to-school season for both you and the children.

© 127 Pediatrics; July 2022

Dr. Wadley, 127 Pediatrics
Dr. Andrea Wadley

Dr. Andrea Wadley is the owner, pediatrician, and breastfeeding medicine specialist for 127 Pediatrics. She has an established house calls only pediatric practice in Colleyville, TX. Dr. Wadley sees patients all over Tarrant county for concierge breastfeeding medicine consultslactation consultsfourth-trimester caretongue tie clipping, and medical ear piercing.