As a pediatrician, I know green poop in toddlers causes a great deal of concern for many parents. In fact, green poop in kids of any age commonly causes stress. It is the number one reason why parents in my pediatric practice text me (or send me pictures). Green poop does not seem like it should be normal.

But is it something that you should worry about?

There are various reasons why a toddler’s poop may have a green color.

Food-Related Causes of Green Poop

A variety of food-related factors cause green poop in toddlers. Certain foods and additives lead to changes in stool color. Foods rich in green, blue, or purple pigments affect the color of poop. Examples include spinach, kale, blueberries, or beets.

Additionally, any food with green food coloring will change a child’s poop color. Green frosting, green cookies or other green confections are often culprits. Green food dye causes brightly colored green poop in toddlers.

Finally, vegetables and fruits also contribute to green poop. When a toddler consumes large amounts of green vegetables or fruits, they often have green poop. The high fiber content causes stool to pass through the digestive system more quickly. This can result in not fully digested food being excreted, giving the stool a green appearance.

Medication Causes of Green Poop

Another reason for green poop is medications. Certain medications such as oral iron supplements or antibiotics cause green poop in toddlers. Antibiotics affect the balance of bacteria in the digestive tract and cause a change in stool color. If you have recently started your child on a new medication, likely that is the cause of the green poop. Be sure to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns about medication side effects.

Infections and Green Poop

Sometimes, green poop in toddlers can signify a bacterial infection. When a toddler has a bacterial infection in their gastrointestinal tract, it can lead to changes in their bowel movements. This includes green-colored stools. Bacterial infections such as Salmonella or E. coli cause inflammation in the digestive tract. This interferes with the normal digestion and absorption of food. These bacteria can also cause bloody stools.

Bacteria is not the only cause of green poop in ill toddlers. Acute gastroenteritis (the stomach bug) is caused by either a bacterial infection or a viral infection. Rotavirus, norovirus and adenovirus are all common viral causes of GI illness in children. The latest strain of COVID has also been causing mostly GI symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea in children.

Both types of germs contribute to a change in poop color in toddlers and kids.

Please note that green poop does not always mean that your toddler is sick. However, if your toddler experiences additional symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, or vomiting, likely illness is causing the change in stool color. Seek medical care if you are concerned that your child is not keeping down enough fluids to stay hydrated.

The Scoop on Green Poop

Green poop in toddlers most often has a benign cause. As we have seen, diet and medications often change stool color in kids. However, in some cases, green poop indicates an illness in a child.

It is important to remember that while green poop is usually not a cause for concern, certain situations may warrant medical attention. If green poop is accompanied by symptoms such as severe diarrhea, signs of dehydration, abdominal pain, or weight loss, please consult your child’s pediatrician.

127 Pediatricians is Here to Help

At 127 Pediatricians, we understand the challenges and concerns that come with taking your child to the doctor’s office. That’s why we offer a unique service. We bring the expertise of a board-certified pediatrician right to your doorstep in Colleyville, Texas.

Our at-home pediatrician is experienced and trained to provide comprehensive medical care for infants, toddlers, and children of all ages. Whether it’s a routine check-up, vaccinations, or addressing specific health concerns, our team is here to provide the highest level of care in the comfort and familiarity of your own home.

Our mobile pediatric service ensures that your child receives personalized attention and care in a familiar environment. We strive to make the experience as seamless as possible, with flexible scheduling options and a compassionate approach that caters to the unique needs of your child.

At 127 Pediatricians, we are committed to delivering exceptional pediatric care, making it easier for parents to prioritize their child’s health.

Contact us today to schedule an at-home pediatric visit and experience the convenience and peace of mind that our services offer.

© 127 Pediatrics; October 2023

This article exists for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice.

Dr. Wadley, 127 Pediatrics
Andrea Wadley, MD, IBCLC

Dr. Andrea Wadley is the owner, pediatrician, and breastfeeding medicine specialist for 127 Pediatrics. She has an established house-calls-only concierge pediatric practice in Colleyville, TX. She is also the owner and operator of the 127 Pediatrics Online Breastfeeding Medicine and Education Center.