As a pediatrician, I have witnessed the increasing prevalence of social media usage among children. Today, children are exposed to a plethora of social media platforms and messaging apps, and it can be challenging for parents to regulate their children’s screen time and social media usage. While social media can be an excellent way to connect with friends and family, it is essential to approach its usage with caution, particularly when it comes to younger children.

Here are some tips on how to approach social media usage with younger children:

Understand the Risks

It is essential to recognize the potential dangers of social media, particularly for younger children. Young children may be more susceptible to cyberbullying, online predators, and inappropriate content. As a parent, it is crucial to be aware of these risks and take steps to mitigate them.

Set Boundaries

Set boundaries with your children regarding social media usage.

You can start by establishing rules around when and how long your child can use social media.

Ensure that your child understands the importance of sticking to these rules and the consequences of breaking them.

Choose Age-Appropriate Platforms

Not all social media platforms are created equal, and some are more appropriate for younger children than others.

Choose age-appropriate platforms that are designed for children, such as Facebook Messenger Kids or Snapchat’s SnapKidz.

These platforms have built-in safety features that can help protect your child from inappropriate content and interactions.

Monitor Your Child’s Activity

It is essential to monitor your child’s activity on social media, particularly when they are younger.

Be aware of who they are interacting with, what they are posting, and who is following them.

You can also use parental control software to track your child’s online activity and block access to inappropriate content.

Teach Your Child About Online Safety

It is crucial to teach your child about online safety and the potential risks of social media.

Teach them about the importance of protecting their personal information and not sharing it online.

Explain the dangers of cyberbullying and how to report it.

Additionally, teach your child about the dangers of interacting with strangers online and what to do if they receive inappropriate messages or content.

Model Healthy Social Media Habits

Children learn by example, so it is crucial to model healthy social media habits yourself.

Set a good example by limiting your own screen time and social media usage.

Encourage face-to-face interactions and quality time with family and friends.

By modeling healthy habits, you can help your child develop a healthy relationship with social media.

In conclusion, social media is an integral part of modern life, and younger children are becoming more exposed to it.

As a pediatrician, I believe that it is essential to approach social media usage with caution, particularly when it comes to younger children.

It’s also wise to remember that regardless of how safe a platform claims to be for your child, there is nobody or nothing more concerned about your child’s welfare than YOU.

Don’t give the benefit of the doubt when it comes to social media. Make certain safety exists for your child.

By understanding the risks, setting boundaries, choosing age-appropriate platforms, monitoring your child’s activity, teaching them about online safety, and modeling healthy habits, you can help your child develop a healthy relationship with social media.

© 127 Pediatrics; April 2023

This article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice.

Dr. Wadley, 127 Pediatrics
Andrea Wadley, MD, IBCLC

Dr. Andrea Wadley is the owner, pediatrician, and breastfeeding medicine specialist for 127 Pediatrics. She has an established house-calls only concierge pediatric practice in Colleyville, TX. She is also the owner and operator of the 127 Pediatrics Online Breastfeeding Medicine and Education Center.