As a pediatrician, I hate amber teething necklaces.

In fact, I hate to see any jewelry on a young child that could pose a choking and/or strangulation risk. During my pediatric residency, I practiced in a place where it was culturally accepted to put a bracelet on your baby to ward off evil spirits (or mal de ojo).

Those tiny choking hazards always made me shudder when I saw them. I remember having many respectful conversations with new mothers (usually in Spanish) describing how this tradition could pose a danger to their baby.

Pediatricians Care About Your Kids

Nowadays, my contempt has moved towards the amber teething necklace. Not only do these necklaces not actually do what people say that they do, but they pose an incredibly unnecessary risk to your young child. 

If I stood in a room full of pediatricians and asked how many of them have used or are using an amber teething necklace to relieve their child’s teething pain, I can almost guarantee you that not a single person would raise their hand.

Is it because we know more than you? For sure, that’s our job. Pediatricians complete 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school and 3 years of pediatric residency just to be able to tell you what is and is not good for your kids.

As a duty to my patients and their parents, I practice science-based medicine. 

So please read this article with that thought in mind. Pediatricians care about your kids. We are not here to judge your parenting skills. We are all doing the best that we can with the information that we have. I just want that information to be based on science. 

Natural Doesn’t Always Mean Better 

As any new parent knows, there are so many baby gadgets on the market these days that it can be difficult to sift through the items that may really be helpful for your parenting journey. Additionally, all parents want to do what is best for their kids and in our current cultural times, many social media influencers spend a large amount of time convincing you that “natural” is better. 

So, it is no surprise that amber teething necklaces have grown in popularity since their introduction within the last decade or so. Parents are looking for ways to relieve their children’s pain in a more natural way. Unfortunately, the claims surrounding Baltic amber teething necklaces are simply not true. 

Pseudoscience of Amber Teething Necklaces

People have stated that the mechanism of action of the necklaces comes from Baltic amber. This specific type of amber is reportedly high in succinic acid. This substance is thought to have analgesic effects.  In fact, people have been using amber for centuries to take advantage of this property.

The claim is that succinic acid is released from amber when it is warmed. It is then absorbed into the skin and somehow travels to the area of pain to relieve it. While succinic acid is safe in general and can be found as a food additive, there aren’t any studies to show how it works for pain relief. 

The evidence shows that the amber would have to be heated to almost 400 degrees F before it released this chemical. Hopefully, no parent is heating their child to this temperature. Additionally, there is absolutely no evidence that succinic acide would be absorbed into the skin of the human body.  

Dangers of Amber Teething Necklaces

In addition to these beaded necklaces being ineffective, amber teething necklaces can be dangerous.

They pose both a choking risk and strangulation hazard. Unfortunately, there are many reports of the adverse effects blamed on these Baltic Amber necklaces. 

Children Have Been Harmed

There have been several reported cases of babies and toddlers being harmed by amber teething necklaces. Here are a few examples:

  • In 2018, an 18-month-old boy in California died after he strangled on an amber teething necklace while he was napping.
  • In 2019, a 15-month-old girl in Australia became tangled in her amber teething necklace and nearly strangled. She was taken to the hospital with serious injuries.
  • In 2016, a toddler boy died at daycare as a result of an amber teething necklace. Read Baby Deacon’s story as told by his mother. 

These are just a few examples of the dangers of amber teething necklaces. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has warned against the use of these necklaces, stating that they “pose a choking and strangulation hazard to infants and young children.” 

What Makes Amber Necklaces Appealing to Parents 

So why do parents love amber teething necklaces so much? Despite the lack of scientific evidence, there are many reasons why a parent would choose to a teething necklace

  • They are natural. Amber is a fossilized tree resin that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. Baltic Amber Necklaces are advertised as natural ways to relieve teething pain. “Natural” is a buzz word among influencers and parenting gurus. These people make parents feel like they are doing the right thing when they choose something natural for their child. 
  • They are affordable. Amber teething necklaces are pretty cheap. Often, they are less than $10 and promise to offer a value that far exceeds their price. 
  • They are easy to find. These strands of amber beads are easy to find. Any parent that has access to the internet can find one easily. 
  • They are stylish. While most parents are buying these necklaces for their claims as a pain reliever, many also find them to be a cute addition to their baby’s wardrobe. 
  • They are a popular baby item. These necklaces have been a part of “trendy baby culture” for the last several years with many famous people using this popular baby item as a natural pain reliever. 
  • They have healing properties. There are many people that claim that these amber beads possess physical energies and ward off negative energy 

Safe Ways to Treat Teething Pain 

If you are looking for a safe and effective way to relieve teething pain in your baby, there are many alternatives to amber teething necklaces available. These include:

  • Teething toys that are designed for babies to chew on
  • Over-the-counter pain medications, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen
  • Cold water or other cold beverages  (babies under 6 months old should only drink formula or breast milk)
  • Frozen fruit or frozen breast milk “popsicles” 
  • Gentle gum massage to relieve gum pain 
  • Doing nothing special at all

Is Teething Pain Really an Issue?

Teething is a normal part of childhood, but is it really a painful experience for babies and toddlers? There are many myths and misconceptions about teething pain, and many parents believe that it is a major issue that requires medication or other interventions.

Really, teething pain is a vague and not well defined symptom. Young teething children are non-verbal and often grumpy about life in general. True pain only occurs when the tooth is breaking through the gum and that generally occurs over a short period of time of 1-2 days. Additionally, some babies and toddlers don’t have any pain at all.

Many normal toddler behaviors are blamed on this short-lived time of discomfort. From drooling to sleep regressions to overall grumpiness, babies and toddlers display these behaviors whether they have teeth coming in or not.

As a parent, the last thing we want to see is our kids experiencing pain. Thankfully, there are alternatives to amber teething necklaces such as pain relievers, cold chew toys and gum massage. These are simple and safe things that parents can do to help their little ones. 

Are You Looking for a Pediatrician? 

If you have questions about amber teething necklaces or any other pediatric topic, I am the pediatrician that you are looking for. At 127 Pediatrics, you have direct access to me as your child’s pediatrician. You don’t have to feel worried or stressed about asking questions or feeling judged on your parenting skills.

We can constantly speak to other childhood safety issues on our blog that you may find helpful, for example:

Set up a free meet and greet today to see if 127 Pediatrics is a good fit for your family. 

© 127 Pediatrics; August 2023

This article exists for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice.

Dr. Wadley, 127 Pediatrics
Andrea Wadley, MD, IBCLC

Dr. Andrea Wadley is the owner, pediatrician, and breastfeeding medicine specialist for 127 Pediatrics. She has an established house-calls-only concierge pediatric practice in Colleyville, TX. She is also the owner and operator of the 127 Pediatrics Online Breastfeeding Medicine and Education Center.