We love this time of year at 127 Pediatrics.

For one, we are past the days of summer heat and moving on to some of our favorite holidays.

Halloween is a special time of year when families can come together and create lasting memories. There are so many fun and creative activities that can be enjoyed by everyone in the family, making this spooky season even more enjoyable.

Halloween doesn’t have to be all about scares and frights; it can be a fun and family-centered holiday. By engaging in activities like pumpkin carving, movie nights, and festive decorations, families can create treasured memories that will last a lifetime. So, gather your loved ones, unleash your creative juices, and let the festivities begin!

1. Cook together

Cooking together before and/or on the day of Halloween can be a fun and rewarding activity for parents and kids alike. It not only allows for quality family time but also helps foster creativity and build important life skills.

Consider the fun idea of having a Halloween-themed bake-off. Choose a few simple recipes such as spooky cookies or festive cupcakes, and let each family member put their own unique twist on the creations. This not only sparks creativity but also teaches kids basic cooking techniques. Plus, the end result is delicious treats for all to enjoy!

Cooking together for Halloween can also involve preparing a festive snack board or a spooky-themed dinner. Encourage kids to assist with cutting out shapes, arranging ingredients, and adding spooky garnishes like googly eyes or plastic spiders. 

2. Costume Up

Halloween is the perfect time for families to come together and celebrate the spooky season. One fantastic way to make this holiday even more enjoyable is by adding costumes into the mix. Dressing up in costumes can create a magical experience for kids and adults alike, turning an ordinary day into an extraordinary adventure.

Why not choose a theme for the entire family this Halloween? Whether it’s superheroes, mythical creatures, or beloved storybook characters, selecting a theme will add an extra layer of excitement and creativity to the festivities. Working together to create costumes based on the chosen theme can be a fun and engaging activity that allows everyone to showcase their unique personalities.

Not only does costume-up encourage imaginative play, but it also provides an opportunity for kids to develop their creativity and self-expression. With endless possibilities for costume creations, children can let their creative juices flow and put their own imaginative spin into their costumes.

Costume-up goes beyond just wearing costumes; it transforms the holiday into a family affair. From choosing the perfect fabrics to brainstorming accessories and props, the process becomes a bonding experience for everyone involved. Parents can seize the opportunity to share their love for DIY projects, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

3. Decorate your home

Get into the spooky spirit this Halloween by decorating your home in a way that’s both fun for your family and appealing to visitors. Whether you’re hosting a costume party or anticipating the arrival of trick-or-treaters, a well-decorated home adds an extra dose of excitement to the festivities.

Consider incorporating your costume theme into the decorations for a truly immersive experience. For example, if your family plans to dress up as pirates, create a treasure chest display filled with plastic spiders, googly eyes, and other eerie trinkets. Decorating with cardboard boxes painted to look like haunted houses or setting up a “Charlie Brown” style pumpkin patch can also make your home feel irresistibly festive.

Don’t forget about the exterior of your home either! Hang fake spider webs, cover your front yard with gravestones, or even create a spooky scavenger hunt leading up to your doorstep. This will not only make your home stand out to trick-or-treaters but will also create excitement for your own little ones.

4. Carve it out

Carving pumpkins is a classic Halloween tradition that not only allows families to showcase their creativity but also provides a fun time together. Gathering around a table, armed with carving supplies and creative juices flowing, everyone can come up with unique designs for their pumpkins.

Carving pumpkins as a family activity encourages teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills. Parents can guide younger children in safely using carving tools, while older kids can express their artistic abilities. From intricate designs to goofy faces, each carved pumpkin is a masterpiece that reflects the personality and imagination of its creator.

To make the carving experience even more enjoyable, consider turning it into a mini-event. Set up a designated carving area with newspaper or a tablecloth to catch the mess. Play some Halloween-themed music in the background, or have a spooky movie playing for added ambiance.

Once the pumpkin carving is complete, arrange the jack-o’-lanterns outside for a festive display. Lighting them up with LED lights or candles creates an eerie glow that adds to the spooky spirit of Halloween. Don’t forget to take a family photo with your carved pumpkins to capture the memories and share them with friends and relatives.

5. Tell some stories

Finding age-appropriate and non-terrifying stories can add an extra layer of fun to Halloween celebrations for parents and kids. Whether it’s through books or movies, sharing spooky yet kid-friendly tales fosters a sense of excitement and imagination.

Parents can start by gathering a collection of Halloween-themed books suitable for their children’s age group. Classics like “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” or “Room on the Broom” offer gentle thrills that won’t leave little ones scared. Not only do these stories provide entertainment, but they also create opportunities for parents and kids to bond through reading together.

For families who prefer movies, there are plenty of kid-friendly Halloween movies that capture the festive spirit without being too scary. Favorites like “Hocus Pocus” or “Hotel Transylvania” feature colorful characters and fun adventures that both parents and kids can enjoy. With the lights dimmed and bowls of popcorn in hand, family movie nights become memorable gatherings filled with laughter and excitement.

6. Get to the Pumpkin Patch

One of the most enjoyable and quintessential activities to celebrate Halloween as a family is a trip to the pumpkin patch. This delightful outing not only offers a fun and festive atmosphere but also provides an array of activities that can entertain kids and adults alike.

At the pumpkin patch, families can embark on a pumpkin hunt, searching for the perfect pumpkins to bring home and carve into masterpieces. The experience enhances children’s creativity as they envision unique designs for their pumpkins and develop their fine motor skills while carefully carving them.

Apart from pumpkin picking and carving, many pumpkin patches offer additional attractions, making it a whole day of fun. Families can get lost in corn mazes together, exploring twists and turns as they work as a team to find their way out. They can also enjoy tractor hayrides, petting zoos, and even visit a cozy country farm store to take home fresh produce and homemade treats.

Going to the pumpkin patch as a family not only engages everyone in the Halloween spirit but also creates lasting memories. It provides an opportunity for parents to step away from electronic devices and connect with their children in a meaningful way. From running through fields of pumpkins to taking silly photos, the pumpkin patch offers endless moments of joy.

7. Creating an Outdoor Display

One of the most enjoyable and creative ways to celebrate Halloween as a family is by creating an outdoor display. Transforming your home into a haunted house not only adds a spooky atmosphere to your neighborhood but also allows your kids to get involved in the process of choosing and making decorations.

A great starting point for your outdoor display is pumpkins. Visit a pumpkin patch with your children to pick out the perfect pumpkins for carving or painting. You can also incorporate fall leaves, gourds, and other autumnal decor to add to the festive spirit.

If your kids are older, stenciling jack-o-lanterns can be a fun and safe way to involve them in the carving process. They can choose from countless stencil designs available online or create their own. For younger children, painting pumpkins with spooky or goofy faces is a great alternative that still allows them to express their creativity.

To add an extra touch of spookiness to your outdoor display, consider making some DIY decorations, such as plastic spiders or ghost cutouts. You can involve your kids in crafting these spooky creations using simple materials like cardboard boxes, construction paper, and googly eyes.

127 Pediatrics Wishes Your Family a Safe and Happy Halloween

127 Pediatrics wishes you a safe and happy Halloween! We understand the excitement and joy that this festive season brings to families, especially children. 

We hope you find joy and excitement knowing that 127 Pediatrics is revolutionizing pediatric care by bringing it directly to the homes of families in Colleyville, TX.

With our at-home provider services, parents and children can enjoy the convenience and comfort of receiving medical care without the hassle of waiting rooms and large care networks.

By eliminating the need to travel and wait in a clinic, 127 Pediatrics allows parents to save precious time and minimize disruptions to their daily routines.

Not only does this unique approach save time and reduce stress for parents, but it also creates a more personal and intimate experience for the child. Being in a familiar environment, surrounded by their toys and comforts, can help alleviate anxiety and make medical visits less intimidating.

If you are desiring to have a pediatrician that is on call for you and your family, schedule a free meet and greet today.

© 127 Pediatrics; October 2023

This article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice.

Dr. Wadley, 127 Pediatrics
Andrea Wadley, MD, IBCLC

Dr. Andrea Wadley is the owner, pediatrician, and breastfeeding medicine specialist for 127 Pediatrics. She has an established house-calls-only concierge pediatric practice in Colleyville, TX. She is also the owner and operator of the 127 Pediatrics Online Breastfeeding Medicine and Education Center.