Lactation consultant

Lactation consultant

My journey towards becoming a lactation consultant was born out of my own struggles as a mother. As a former breastfeeding mother myself, I know how difficult this task can be. My early breastfeeding days were filled with a jaundiced baby, poor weight gain, mastitis...
Tongue Tie

Tongue Tie

Tongue tie is a controversial subject depending on who you talk to. There has been a dramatic pendulum swing between treating tongue tie every time it is seen, to not treating it at all to maybe treating certain ones if they meet a list of criteria. While the medical...
4 Tips to Treat a Bloody Nose

4 Tips to Treat a Bloody Nose

Bloody noses are common during the winter months when both indoor and outdoor air is drier. The following are 4 tips on how to prevent and treat a child’s bloody nose: Tip #01: Keep the nasal passages moist. Nasal saline drops, used regularly, are a great way to...
Concierge Breastfeeding Medicine

Concierge Breastfeeding Medicine

Before I became a concierge breastfeeding medicine expert, I worked as a hospital pediatrician. I cared for newborns during their first two days of life. As I cared for these families, I noticed a trend among most new mothers. Often, women came into the hospital to...
Piercing your child’s ears

Piercing your child’s ears

Piercing your child’s ears is certainly a moment worth remembering and can be a rite of passage. In many cultures, ear piercing for babies is an important part of family traditions. Whatever your reason for getting your child’s ears pierced, choosing the...