Many parents need help to think of ideas on how to spend quality time with their children. As our schedules continue to get busier and busier with tasks and activities, it can be very difficult to stop long enough to spend quality time with your kids. This is especially true if you have more than one child. However, quality time can look differently for each family. Intentional time focused on your relationship with your child does not need to be complicated.

As we are ending the first month of the new year, let’s make this a year where we prioritize quality time with our children. In my role as both a parent and a pediatrician, I try to follow these tips in my own family and recommend them to patient families as well. At 127 Pediatrics, we want parents to feel confident about their parenting skills.

Prioritize Time

Quality time with children doesn’t happen without some planning and thought. There are several things you can do to make that time easier to prioritize:

  • Schedule time specifically for your child. Put it in your calendar or planner, just as you do doctor appointments or work meetings.
  • Prioritize what needs to get done and delegate other tasks if possible
  • Swap childcare with another parent so that you each have time for yourself to take care of your own needs.
  • Make use of technology, such as video or phone calls to connect with your child even when you are busy.

Ultimately, it is important to remember that the time you spend with your children is important for their well being as well as yours. By making it a priority, you will boost their confidence and help them to find a secure foundation for their future.

One-On-One Activities

Sometimes, your child just wants undivided attention from you. While the demands of life can make that difficult, there are some things that you can plan into your day to give your child the focused attention that they crave.

A few tips to make your time meaningful and centered on your child include:

  • Set times for reading, playing games, or simply talking together.
  • Engage in their favorite activities with them, whether it is a certain sport or hobby.
  • Take your child on special outings, such as visiting the zoo or trying a new restaurant.
  • Schedule regular date nights to give you and your child time to bond away from the stresses of daily life.

These activities will give you the opportunity to connect and focus solely on your child, which can help build a stronger relationship.

Carve Out Time for YOU

For your child to get your best, you also need to recharge and feel refreshed so that you have more energy to give to your child when you spend time with them. Make time to refresh by:

  • Taking regular breaks throughout the day.
  • Setting aside time for exercise or even just a long, hot shower to clear your head.
  • Pursuing an activity that you enjoy, such as reading a book or listening to music in order to manage your own stress.

When you take care of yourself and recharge, it will help you be a better parent and give more of yourself to your child.

Overall, prioritizing time with your kids is an important way to build a strong relationship and bond with them.

By setting aside intentional moments together, both you and your child can benefit from the extra quality time and make 2023 (and 2024) an unforgettable year!

Happy New Year!

© 127 Pediatrics; January 2023, updated January 2024

Please note that this article is purely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as medical advice.

Andrea Wadley, MD, NABBLM-C

Dr. Andrea Wadley owns and operates 127 Pediatrics, a pediatric and lactation practice in Colleyville, TX. She specializes in pediatrics, breastfeeding medicine and offers house calls only. Additionally, Dr. Wadley is the owner of the 127 Pediatrics Online Breastfeeding Medicine and Education Center. We have many free resources for breastfeeding mothers. Subscribe to our YouTube channel or download a free breastfeeding checklist.