Breastfeeding is a rewarding but sometimes challenging journey. Understanding the concerns surrounding nipple confusion can help ensure a smoother experience for both mother and baby.

Understanding Nipple Confusion

We blame “nipple confusion” whenever a baby uses an artificial nipple and then struggles to go back to eating from the breast. Confusion for this reason is not the root cause of the issue. In general, the difficulty comes because the baby prefers the fast flow of milk from the bottle instead of the slower flow of milk from the breast. This means that it is more of a flow preference than a nipple preference.

The Early Days: Use of Pacifiers

Additionally, we blame pacifiers for so-called nipple confusion as well. While pacifiers can be useful and provide a source of comfort for new babies, they can interfere with successful breastfeeding. It is very easy to offer the pacifier instead of the breast in the earliest days of breastfeeding, when you are most exhausted. In the initial days post-birth, frequent breastfeeding is essential to establish a good milk supply.

While many people blame confusion on pacifiers, it is more often that they interfere with the baby’s need to be direct breastfeeding. However, once breastfeeding is established, you can use a pacifier between feedings without issue.

Bottle Feeding Strategies

When bottle feeding is necessary, whether with formula or expressed breast milk, it is helpful to mimic the breastfeeding experience. This enables the baby to switch back and forth between the bottle and the breast more easily. Paced bottle feeding is one technique to protect the baby’s ability to go back to the breast more readily.

Risks and Benefits of Nipple Shields

Nipple shields fall into the category of artificial nipples. These nipple shaped pieces of silicone are useful in certain situations. Most often, they can help with latch issues due to flat or inverted nipples.

However, there are risks with using the nipple shield. Therefore, you should think of the shield as a temporary breastfeeding tool. In addition, make sure that you are in close contact with your lactation consultant to avoid some of the common pitfalls with nipple shield use.

Embrace Your Breastfeeding Journey: Allow 127 Pediatrics to Help You

Everyone’s breastfeeding journey is unique. While it’s wise to educate yourself about the subtle nuances of breastfeeding, have confidence in your ability to nourish your child. Approach breastfeeding with patience and stay connected with healthcare providers who can offer personalized guidance and reassurance throughout your journey.


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© 127 Pediatrics, May 2024

This article is for information purposes only. Please consult your personal physician for medical advice.